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Brand Story - How Much Is Your Old Piece Of Shirt Worth?

The Greatest Brand Story Ever Told

The Greatest Brand Story Ever Told

“The first logo of your business is your mind.

      Branding starts from the mind, not your website.”

Phyllion and Partners Limited

He is black, was born in February 1963 in Brooklyn, New York slums. And he couldn’t see any further, what hope for the future he had.

The 13-year old boy that year, was one day called by his father who handed him an old piece of sweatshirt: “This shirt can be worth?” “Probably one U.S. dollar” Michael replied. “You can sell it?” his father asked, looking at him with quizzical eyes. “The fool would buy!” Michael replied.

brand story - how much can this shirt be worth?

“Why not try to sell it? If you do, can be considered to help me and your mother.”

Then he nodded. Michael carefully washed the old torn shirt, ironed it and brushed out old wool from it. The next day, he took the cloth to a crowded subway station. After more than six hours of trying to sell, he finally sold the piece of shirt.

Ten days after, Michael’s father handed him another piece of old T-shirt. “Think about it, how about selling this shirt for 20 dollars?” “How could? Such an old garment! The maximum value of this shirt is two U.S dollars.” Michael replied, startled.

“Why do you not try it?” his father inspired. “Think about it, there is always a way.”

Finally, he thought of a good way. Remembering an old cousin who knew how to draw very well, and studied at an Art school; Michael had his cousin draw a cute Mickey Mouse graphics on the old piece of cloth.

brand story - an old shirt is worth as much as your mind prizes it as noble

Afterwards, he chose to sell the piece of shirt by standing in front of a school for noble kids. A moment later, a car turned out from the school compound; a young housekeeper alighted and bought the piece of shirt for his little master. The ten-year old school boy loved the art work on the shirt, and turned to give Michael a 25 dollar tip. Twenty-five U.S. dollars! Which was undoubtedly a huge sum of money at the time. Equivalent to the wages of his father in January.

After returning home, his delighted father gave him another old piece of shirt: “You can sell this piece of shirt for $200?” This time, Michael did not hesitate; he took the shirt, left quietly and started thinking.

Two months later, the opportunity finally came. The popular movie, “Charlie’s Angels” starring John Forsythe, came to New York publicity. After the press conference, young Michael suddenly pushed through the security, jumped at John Forsythe, holding the piece of shirt, and pleaded with him to sign his name on it.

John was surprised a moment, but immediately smiled and said, “I think no one would deny an innocent child.” John swiftly went ahead to sign his name boldly on the shirt.

Summing up courage, Michael raised the autographed shirt among the crowd: “John Forsythe’s Autographed T-shirt at $200!” During the auction, an oil merchant bought the shirt at a high price of $1,200.

Back home, Michael’s father was moved to tears; kissing his forehead, he whispered to Michael, “You have done awesomely well, my child. And I want you to know, there is a lot of $ value even on an old piece of shirt, depending on how noble your mind prizes it.”

In that moment, Michael’s heart lit up and said to his father; “Even an old piece of cloth has a way of becoming noble. So there’s no reason to sell ourselves short!”

From then on, the young boy began trying to learn, work hard, and always full of hope for the future. Twenty years later, his name has spread to every corner of the world. His name is Michael Jordan.

Today, Michael Jordan is a famous billionaire and co-founder of Nike Air Jordan Series; winner of several NBA Championships.

And here is the golden question: “How much is your old piece of shirt worth?”

brand story - how much is your old piece of shirt worth?

And guess the answer? “It is worth as much as your mind prizes it as noble.”

And why? “Well, because your greatest brand is your mindset!”

So, how much is your business worth?

And guess what the answer is..?

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