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Lady Shopping, Happy Customer, Brand Loyalty

Creating Brand Loyalty with Social Media

Social media could do a lot for your company, but you might still be missing out on many of these, if not approached the right way. 

In a recent report by Oberlo, about 71% of online buyers base their purchase decisions on their relationship with a brand on social media. This just means, the more brand loyalty you can pull online, the more results you can expect in sales. It’s a direct relationship.

“I already use social media, and we post every day” – that still doesn’t equate automatic brand loyalty. So, let’s start with understanding what that even implies.

Brand loyalty is when a customer prefers to do business with your company, not because you’re the only option, but because they trust your brand, and feel comfortable relating with you. That’s one thing you can’t just wish to happen.

In fact, if you’re not deliberate about creating brand loyalty, you won’t get it. It just doesn’t happen on its own.

Remember that waitress acting awkwardly the last time you were at yours? Would you like to be his friend? It’s a no, neither would most people there.

Lady serving at a restaurant bad brand service

It’s left to you to determine how others see your company, and social media can help you influence that in a lot of ways. So, how exactly do you create brand loyalty (or make friends, if you’d prefer that) with social media?

  • Come to Help

Apparently, you know your audience. Now, ask this question, in what ways can you make their life easier, without selling out, and while staying in your business direction? 

You would have seen how some banks are constantly providing ideas to keep your account safe from fraudsters. Do you offer services? Get the audience to ask you questions about their challenges. Talk about things that matter to them.

peoples top choice report by sprout

This was a 2016 report, and the need to be there for customers on social media has continued to expand. Create that impression that you value their wellbeing and success, as much as you do their money. 

  • Engage

Now, your company will be living in a silo if the only thing your team does on social media is just to share content, and that’s all. How about engagement?

It’s actually better even if you don’t share content, but engage with others, if you have to choose one. The second has more value to offer your business when it comes to brand loyalty.

No one wants to do business with a company that just isn’t responsive. You personally won’t. But it’s actually something most businesses do on social media. Perhaps we can blame that on unproductive staffing.

Having a plan to engage will naturally shape the direction of your content, giving you endless opportunities to start interesting, immersive conversations.

  • Stay Real

So, while doing all of these, one thing that trumps your brand loyalty strategy is to appear as real as possible. It’s easy to get mechanical in the middle of endless social media designs and overly pro approach to content.

Show the humans behind your brand. Tell your story as often as possible. Think of how much you know about what goes on behind the corporate walls of global companies, like Google.

Phyllion team group image, humanise brand, human voice

That’s also where public relations comes in. Be deliberate about creating stories and realities that present your brand as a lovable, responsible one. If you’re wondering how to go about that, find out how our team can help.

  • Don’t Forget to Sell 

By all means, you should be relatable in your approach to social media. But that doesn’t mean you should put selling on the back seat. Talk frequently about what you sell. That’s the only way money comes in, isn’t it?

The whole purpose of having engaging content on social media, helping your audience in ways you can, and doing a couple of other things to earn brand loyalty – is to break the barriers to sale. 

cocacola social media

When was the last time you bought a product the first time you knew about it? That likely hasn’t happened, ever. It’s the case with most other people. They want a relationship first, no matter how little, before they convert. 

I’ve heard people talk about social selling like the Forbidden City. That’s just some religious ideas that don’t add to your bottom line. In fact, customers even become more loyal when they can solve their problems, using the solutions you provide.

Go Build that Loyal Audience

Social media could do a lot for your company when it comes to brand loyalty, and if approached the right way. The value is just too much to ignore.

Want to build a brand people want to be associated with, with social media? You’ve got the strategies to fly with.

Are you using one of these strategies already? How has it worked out? Tell us about that in the comments.

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